Earth Day Celebration at Lemon Tree Gallery

Earth Day Celebration at Lemon Tree Gallery
by Clelia C. Sheppard

“Sometimes we just have to stop and feel the pulse of the Earth, the rhythm of
the seasons and the internal voice that was once our childhood friend.”
- Fennel Hudson

Earth Day is a joyous celebration and the team at Lemon Tree Gallery and Studio is
staging a free fun-filled day of activities, demonstrations, special sales, earth inspired
appetizers and live music that will remind us all to honor Mother Earth. Naturally we
should always be grateful and respectful of our planet, but it is truly motivational to have
this dedicated special day when the whole world unites to acknowledge this most
important part of our existence: our home, our terrestrial mother, our planet.

With so many sad occurrences and natural disasters repeatedly devastating different
parts of the world, it is our duty to be alert and aware of the infinite ways we can
preserve and maintain the resources and wonders of nature. It is with this thought in
mind and the omni-present “hope” that we can make a difference even in little ways.
Through the sensitivity of artists’ perceptions of nature and how it affects them, we can
reach a deeper understanding of the power and beauty of nature. From the beginning
of time nature has been immortalized through dance, music, drama and the visual arts.

Nature is the one universal language that has no barriers and Mother Earth is at the
core of that inspiration. The soil has provided humanity with the material to create
objects out of clay solidified by fire for over two thousand years, and the splendid hues
we admire in paintings are resourced from unbelievable extracts derived from roots,
flowers, berries and other mysterious and remote growing elements given to us by
Mother Earth. Resplendent stone, marble and granites have been chiseled to
perfection producing unparalleled works of art by masters over the centuries. Rare and
priceless minerals compressed into rock formations millions of years ago have been
cherished and desired by mankind since the beginning of time. The most touching
works of art ever created have been inspired by the ever evolving nature in our

environment and by the mystery of our miniscule planet living in the immensity of this
endless universe. It is all very awe-inspiring and overwhelmingly sacred.

Lemon Tree Gallery will make a big splash and start a new tradition every year to
celebrate this Special Day. Our three resident artists, Thelma Peterson, Bethany
Simpson and Clelia Cardano Sheppard, will be on site painting, available for any
questions regarding their art. Weather permitting there will be demonstrations on the
potter’s wheel by one of the current featured artists, Brenda Llewellyn, and by potter
Stan Osmolenski. Meet and learn from Lemon Tree artists who are working with found
objects and recycled materials.

So many of our Lemon Tree Gallery and Studio artists draw their inspiration from
Mother Earth:

“Whether it’s a sunset wrapped in fog or a tree in full bloom, art is a part of
everyday life, and each moment is unrepeatable. It’s a universal language that
knows no geographic boundaries.”
– Lemon Tree resident artist and curator Clelia Sheppard

"I am constantly amazed and humbled by the natural world around me. Its
beauty and power constantly provoke and instill a truth and purity that anchors
me, and sets my roots deep."
– Lemon Tree resident artist Thelma Peterson

“My inspiration comes from all around me. I paint the way I see things. In
particular, the Eastern Shore inspires my work with happiness, vibrancy, life,
and movement, much like the changing tides.”
– Lemon Tree resident artist Bethany Simpson

“The work feels successful to me when the surface has an organic, weathered
look or the feeling of an object found in nature with fossil like details.”
– Lemon Tree featured artist, Brenda Llewellyn

To complete the day and propel us all into the growing season there will be a
plant sale. Herbs, seedlings, annuals and perennials as well as some shrubs and small
trees will be available for purchase. Our guests will enjoy a selection of organic-based
appetizers to jump start a healthy life style alternative as Spring is finally here! Live
music as always will provide the right atmosphere for the perfect party. Come and join
the Lemon Tree Gallery Team on Sunday, April 23 rd , from 12 noon till 4:00 PM

For more information call 757-331- 4327 (GEAR)
